In the vast tapestry of Norse mythology, few figures stand as prominently as the Norse Bear Warriors. These legendary figures, often intertwined with the tales of Viking Berserkers, have captured the imagination of many, from pagans to enthusiasts of Norse culture. The bear, revered in many cultures for its strength and majesty, held a special place in the hearts of the old Norse people. It wasn’t just an animal; it was a symbol, a spirit, and in some cases, an ancestor.
These Viking Bear penannular brooches / cloak pins are hand forged from quality 1018 steel with mirrored twists and distinctive bear head finials.
The steel was drawn out and forged to a width of 5/16" at its thickest point. Perfect for historical reenactment, renaissance festivals, SCA events, LARPs or any occasion where a cloak is worn.
No power tools, or machining, traditional hammer finished at the anvil, wire brushed and finished with canola oil while red hot.
All hand forged items will have minor variances in design.